I'm sure the majority of you facebook, and then perhaps have seen this super awesome ad to the left. I saw it the other day and just could not stop laughing. Really, guys? I can lose a thousand pounds with this tea? Come on. I can see someone clicking on something thinking they're going to win a million dollars for hitting George Dubya with an egg, or complete a thousand offers and bug countless numbers of their friends so they can not get a free ipod, but really, guys, really!? I suppose the blonde hair and matching orange outfits does really prove it's the same girl, kids, but come on now.
This group on Deviantart blows my mind. The only times I've used MSPaint is to draw a stick figurine of some type doing something scandalous to shock or upset my friends and family, but these kids, well these kids are kerazy. LINK. I couldn't make a believable semblance of anything more complicated than a lamp, and am truly in awe of these kids.